Established more than 20 years ago, TRANSFORMADORES UNIÃO is 100% Brazilian company, dedicated to the desing, manufacturing and trading of power distribuition Transformers. Committed into supplying quality products and services, focused in its customers' needs and in the respect with the environment. As a prove of its history, TRANSFORMADORES UNIÃO believes that growth is a consequence of the continuous quality improvement of its products and the relationship with suppliers and customers, based in ethics, reputation and in compliance with the commitments undertaken.
1992: The Founder, Mr. F. Solano Pereira, with experience in the electric sector since 1969, initially as an employee of electricity utilities companies and afterwards, as a business representative, decides to be an entrepreneur and established the company, oriented to the supplyes service and trading of electric equipment.
1995: After 3 years of growth and strong presence in the market, the company start to be an eletrical equipment manufactures.
1997: Regarding to join sales and manufatures competence, decides to change its corporate name to TRANSFORMADORES UNIÃO INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO LTDA. With a significant increase in sales, rises, and since then, focus and specializes in the manufacturing of Electric Transformers.
2011: Aiming a new opportunity in the Low Voltage Transformer market, TRANSFORMADORES UNIÃO purchases the company Opus Sistemas de Energia Ltda.
2012: Moves to its new manufacturing plant, located at Vila Ré - São Paulo, keeping its Distribution Center in Osasco.